Friday, February 29, 2008

Official UFA Photo Shipment!! :D

I'm so happy!! My first batch of official UFA photos came in!! Mind you, these aren't my first official UFA photos - those came with my Miya and Chisa scarves... but I made those purchases for the scarves, not the photos. These photos were simply for the photos. Now that my random tangent is out of the way, I figured I'd share the photos, even though most of these have been around already.... You can never have enough H!P eye candy, right? :D )It also allowed me to test out my new scanner - my old one died on me, so had to get a new one.

To begin, I started my purchase off with my current favourite H!P group: Buono!

What can I say about Momoko? I'm really loving her in this group, but there just is no ground for her to move up within the member rankings for me... >_<

Osuzu looks kinda awkward dancing in the Renai Rider dance shot, but we still love her. XD

Miya just looks so cool in Buono! Her dancing, her movements, her style... It's all totally FOR THE WIN! :D

I have another set of UFA photos Buono! style coming in next month... Can't wait for those! :D

Up next, we have a group featuring 2 H!P members way up in my overall ranking: A&R (I really can't be bothered to spell out the entire name... I don't actually know the proper spelling of the "R" off the top of my head.. >_<)

Nakajima is cute, but man does her voice ever hurt my ears... She's fighting it out with Koha... Not a good thing to be fighting for. XD

Aika's still a work in progress for me. I'm fairly neutral to her.

I love Chisa so much! I just recently saw her sing Aa!'s First Kiss with Airi and Mai. I was afraid she would get Miya's lines at first (seeing as Miya has practically no lines in that song), but was very pleased when instead she sand Reina's. I thought she did wonderfully!

I love Risa so much too! She's adorable! And she's gorgeous... That may seem like a weird combination of adjectives, but it works for her. Her personality is absolutely adorable and she's got facial features that are adorable. But at the same time, I find her stunning. That makes sense, right? XD

Those two above sets were ordered directly from the UFA store, while the following pics came from the fabulous person who actually got all these pictures to me - these are pics she got from photo sets that she didn't want (lucky for me :D).

Old school Berryz Koubou. I love this single! And Maiha's still there! I love her dimples!!

Another wonderful Risa picture... Though now that I look at it, she's got the same pose in this picture as her A&R photo... LOL. XD

Miya and Airi in outfits from last year's (summer?) H!P concert. I actually really enjoyed these costumes... Which is a pretty impressive feat, seeing as H!P concert costumes are usually very.... o_O ... for lack of better words.

I really liked the outfits in this PV, and I thought Miya looked so pretty in this PV (along with Yurina and Chinami... However, Yurina's photo wasn't available for purchase).

So there are my purchases! I got 2 more photos with this order, but I'm not posting them yet... They shall be birthday presents for my brother, who is birthday twins with the shortest member of Buono! He knows what who they are (and had even seen them when I ordered them), but I have refused to let him look at them now that I own them until his birthday. One's of Kamei Eri, and the other is of Chinami in her Tsukiatteru outfit (Chinami is his fave Berryz member).

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