Tuesday, March 04, 2008

2 YesAsia shipments in and a Café Buono! Review

Today, the package I've been waiting for from YesAsia finally arrived! The estimated date of arrival was originally given as this past Friday, but alas, I was not lucky enough to receive it in time for the weekend.... But it's here now!

That's Buono!'s Café Buono! (LE) and A&R's Shouri no Big Wave (Photobook LE).

2 weeks ago, I also got another shipment in, which I hadn't posted here, so now's as good a time as any:

That has Buono!'s Renai Rider (LE), Yajima Maimi & Natsumi Abe's 16sai no Koinante (Photobook LE), and 2 oldschool Berryz singles (Koi no Jubaku and Anata Nashi de wa Ikite Yukenai).

Reasons for my purchases:
Café Buono!: I love Buono! Of course I was gonna get it! XD
A&R: Saw a photobook LE available, and I needed something to get me free shipping with YesAsia, so since I love Risa and Chisato, I added that onto my order.
Renai Rider: See comment for Café Buono! XD
16sai no Koinante: Another Photobook LE, and since I love Maimi, had to get that as well...
Koi no Jubaku: I LOVE that single. The end.
Anata Nashi de was Ikite Yukenai: I definitely like this single, but my real reason for getting this release was for the B-side Berry Fields. I don't know what it is about that song, but the weird sound to it completely wins me over!

Now, onto a review of Buono!'s new album, Café BUono!

I'd have to agree with Kawaiirrhea and say that this is one of the few albums I've listened to where I have enjoyed every single track. Prior to listening to this album, there had actually been only one for me, and that was Hanson's The Walk (2007). Since hearing Café Buono! I have another album to add to that: bury the bully's Life Death & Wonder (2007) [Didn't listen to it until just after listening to Café BUono!]. That's 3 albums in a lifetime (mind you, I'm not all that old, but 20+ years and only 3 albums... Then again, before last year, I was 20+ years with no albums...).

Anyway, onto a track by track review, along with scans from the album (since I haven't seen them on other blogs yet).

1. Café Buono!
This song is a nice start to the CD. It's got a feel-good, bouncy aspect, while also having a rock flavour, mainly due to the strong distorted guitar.

2. 泣き虫少年 (Nakimushi Shounen)
I think I'd have to say that this is my favourite song on the album. While Café Buono! had a slight rock flavour to it, this track really rocks it out, particularly in the chorus. I love the guitars and the drums. This would be a fun song for something like drum mania/guitar freaks or Rock Band... Well, maybe more drum mania. There's no amazing guitar solo in this one, but I just love the distortion.

3. 恋愛♥ライダー (Renai ♥ Rider)
I've commented on this song in my Renai Rider PV review. To paraphrase: I love this song. The contrasting styles which come in through different sections of the song (the ukelele, the acoustic guitar, etc.) give the song an interesting dimension that I really enjoy. I've almost got the dance down for this song... Pretty much just need to figure out the dance break.

4. ホントのじぶん (Honto no Jibun)
Buono!'s first single. This song is more mellow than their second single. I love the cheerful, upbeat melody of this song. Unlike Renai Rider, which I always want to start air guitaring to (or actually pulling out my guitar and rocking along), Honto no Jibun is a song that puts a smile on my face and I simply can't help but sing along with it.

5. バケツの水 (Baketsu no Mizu)
This track has a nice, feel-good melody and a catchy beat that makes me bob my head along to the music. The girls utilize their "cutesy" voices for this track, and it works well with the overall vibe of the song.

6. ガラクタノユメ (Garakuta no Yume)
I'm liking the bass and the filtered drum sound on this song. I also really like the vocals after the instrumental (would this be the bridge of the song?). It's already a mellow song, but this portion brings it to almost acapella with Miyabi (not really, but the instruments are softer, so you get my drift).

7. Internet Cupid
I was surprised to find that all lines are solo lines in this track. I don't know if I didn't listen to this song closely enough before, or if the voice manipulation in this song just threw me off a little bit. But I do highly enjoy this song. I love the old-school video game feel of it, but then again, I'm a gamer to a certain extent in addition to being an H!P fangirl. This song makes me picture bad graphics and linear side-scrolling VGA goodness. XD

8. Last Forever
I love the melody in this song. This may possibly be my second favourite song on the album... Still haven't quite sorted that out. For some reason, I'm having the hardest time articulating what it is about this melody that I love so much... So for now, I'll have to leave it at that, and hopefully clarify it when it becomes more clear to me.

9. こころのたまご (Kokoro no Tamago)
The B-side to Honto no Jibun, and opening theme to Shugo Chara! Initially I wasn't too keen on this song. But after a few listens, it definitely grew on me. I love the "Hop Step Jump, Drew Draw Drawn, Chips Syrup Hoippu" bits. Much like Honto no Jibun, it's another feel-good song, and it works really well as the anime's opening theme (and yes, I do watch Shugo Chara! I'm on episode 17).

10. 星の羊たち (Hoshi no Hitsuji Tachi)
Can I just simply say that I love the melody to pretty much every single song on this album? I like the stringed instrument used in the second verse (I have no idea what instrument it is). This one is another track completely filled with solo lines, but since the girls voices haven't put through some filter, it's more obvious.

11. ロックの神様 (Rock no Kamisama)
Like Last Forever, this track has a nice intro line, mainly vocal with only very light instruments in the background. This song gets into rock vibe once again. Not quite to the same caliber as Nakimushi Shounen, but still fun to listen to.

12. 君がいれば (Kimi ga Ireba)
This ballad has a simple and sweet melody. It starts with acoustic guitar and piano, with some bass added in halfway through the verse. Come the chorus, strings are added which then continue on throughout the song. I particularly love the strings at the start of the second verse.

So, like I said earlier, I simply LOVE this album. The girls are all amazing here. I can't even find fault with Momoko.

I realize Momoko is a lead in Berryz Koubou, but I don't think she is used to her full potential in that group. Mainly, I say it's because she has to put on too much of her "cutesy squeaky" voice in those singles, while in Buono!, her voice comes down to a pitch within the range of frequencies comfortable for human ears... XD Her voice is still distinctly Momoko, but it doesn't leave me with the urge to try and protect my ears from bleeding (okay, maybe that's a bit harsh, but I think I'm getting my general point across).

Miyabi was fabulous, no surprise for me there. I think Miya really shines in Buono! She seems the most confident and comfortable with the image that the group is trying to pull off. She dances with the most ease in the videos - She makes it look effortless, but not in a such a way that it seems like she's not trying. And of course, I loved her vocals. :D

As for Airi, I thought her vocals were wonderfully fabulous. Her dancing... Well, let's just say with only 3 girls to watch in the dance shot versions and a stationary camera, you can see who the weakest dancer in the group is. I'm not saying she's terrible, but compared to Momoko who puts a lot of energy into her dancing, and Miyabi who looks so fluid and effortless, Airi looks a little bit awkward.

I did a quick tabulation of solo lines on this album, and the breakdown was as follows (n=212):
Suzuki Airi: 32% (68 solo lines)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: 32% (68 solo lines)
Tsugunaga Momoko: 36% (76 solo lines)

The leader takes it home, just inching out her two group members! Kinda makes you think of Renai Rider... Though to be true to the PV, Miyabi would have needed a line or two less than Airi.

And that just goes to show another reason why I love Buono! so much. All members get equal time to show their stuff. But then again, when you put 3 front liners like these girls into the same group, you can't really go about ignoring one of them, can you? Not utilizing such talent would be a sin, wouldn't it? *cough*CHISATO*cough* (Completely unrelated to Buono!, but was that subtle enough? XD)

To close this post out, a few more pics from the album:

The inside of the back cover.

The back cover.

One side of the trading card.

The other side of the trading card.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I should give the Hanson album a shot; I've enjoyed some of their earlier music but haven't kept up.

As I've said, the only other album for which I've enjoyed every track was M2M's Shades of Purple (2000), and I really should give M2M credit for getting me hooked on J-pop at all. I'd heard and enjoyed a couple of tracks from that album about the time they were released, but didn't really get into it, for a variety of reasons. After a few years of suffering the blandness of most English-language pop of the early '00s, though, I found M2M bubbling back to the surface and filling the niche of quality melodic bubblegum pop that I was craving. And this time, circumstances being a bit different (though they had broken up already, alas), I actually went and bought the album, and I was quite impressed.

What further impressed me was that they had recorded another version of their single "Pretty Boy" in Mandarin. This was probably my first exposure to East Asian-language pop, though it was ironically performed by a Norwegian duo normally singing in English. After some searching around, I discovered that Cyndi Wang (coincidentally one of Jun Jun's favorite artists) had recorded a Mandarin cover of M2M's "The Day You Went Away". I listened to this version, thought it was awesome, and subsequently thought most of Wang's music was awesome and so much better than the garbage American pop had disintegrated into. And so I was hooked on Mandopop. This was around spring 2007.

So after some more exploring, eventually I discovered the charms of J-pop and got even more hooked than I had been on Mandopop. And that's where I am now. I should keep exploring. Maybe I'll find something even more exciting than J-pop? :-o

maiZe said...

You don't know how happy I was to see that you commented on my Hanson mention, and that the response wasn't "EWWW... You like Hanson?!" :D That totally made my day, so thanks for that!

But yea, I've followed Hanson almost from the moment they popped onto the mainstream music scene (and followed along once they left the mainstream scene). They're my all-time favourite band, and I don't think anything will ever top them for me. However, of the 4 full length albums they've released since they initially signed onto a label (2 on label, 2 indy), it was only this most recent album that I can truly say that I loved every single song. Let me know what you think of the album once you listen to it! :) Though, I would also recommend that if you can, get a hold of the bonus tracks from the Japanese release of the album - "In a Way" and "I Am". Those two are fabulous as well (and sung by Zac, my favourite member XD). [I can help you out if you do find you have trouble getting those songs.]

I never really followed M2M, but I did like their stuff back in the day. I know some of old mix CDs contained a few of their singles. It's funny, but just a week or so ago, "Mirror, Mirror" was running through my head for some reason... XD Never actually listened to either of their albums though. I think I'll go check them out. :) Funnily enough, one of the M2M girl's dated Zac Hanson back in the day... Isn't it interesting how everything ends up strangely connected?

What brough me into J-pop was anime (specifically Sailor Moon), but I really only listened to songs from whatever anime I was watching - I never got into the groups who sang the songs.

On the other hand, I was introduced to H!P by my brother, who called me into his room to watch a PV... I'm almost positive it was The Peace! 'cause I remember my first impression of Morning Musume was: "Cute sailor outfits! ... o_O Glowing toilets?!?" What can I say? I got hooked! XD

Anonymous said...

You've got it right on Momoko's voice. She's a terrific fit weith Miyabi and Suzuki; in fact, all three get away from their cutesy roles in Berryz and C-ute and make Buono! a high-octane combination. "Cafe Buono" is a sensational song; I'll probably have to break down and get the album.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound like I'm sucking up or anything, but I love your blog!

When I read blogs, I usually think "What? They're crazy!", but when I read your blog, I usually totally agree, or I think "Hm, they're right, I guess."

You have my kudos!

maiZe said...

@radicalipton - Buono! will wear you down!! They're going to take over the world, I tell you! XD

@Amy - Why thank you! XD Ego boosting is always appreciated in my comments section.. LOL XD But seriously, I'm glad you're enjoying reading my blog, for I definitely enjoy writing it. I do hope you actually come back and read my response to your comment, since I really have no idea if anyone actually does... >_< You comment has made my day for the third time today (my day was made once in the morning when I found out that Buono!'s gonna be releasing a third single in May, a second time at noon-time ish, when I read a funny article: "Court finds model innocent based on breast size" and now a third time, just before I go to sleep.. what a wonderful day of spread out goodness ^_^). I appreciate the kudos. :D

Anonymous said...

I bought Berryz first single last week for the exact same reason, I find Berry Fields to be hauntingly beautiful. Although I don't really like buying singles because I usually listen in the car and don't want to constantly change CD's, but with Athena and Robbikerottsu, we don't have any choice...yet. Nice review, I see we are both on the same wavelength for "Last Forever" as well. In fact, there are alot of songs here that could qualify as "A" sides.

maiZe said...

@Chris: I first heard Berry Fields when I watched Berryz Koubou's 2007 Spring concert at Saitama Super Arena. After hearing it that first time, I went straight to theppn to figure out what the song was called and which single/album it came from. Unfortunately, it took a while for me to actually get an mp3 version of the song, since I had a hard time finding the first BK single around, but in the end, I simply had to buy it. A song that good is not allowed to be played at 192, or even 320kbps on my computer. It must be Apple Lossless. :)

As for the problem of switching CDs (in regards to listening to singles), I always use my iPod in my car with an FM transmitter, so I just make my playlists with whatever I'm in the mood for... (Right now it's filled with lots of Buono!)