Monday, February 11, 2008

MM, Berryz and C-ute rankings from Hello!Blog

I'm still working on my final installment of my Morning Musume singles ranking, but in the interim, I thought I'd join the ranks of blogs posting their results from the poll on Hello!Blog.

First up, C-ute!

Not much has changed since my last C-ute member ranking, except Erika is no longer at the bottom of my list. The more I hear of NakaSaki's voice, the more I shudder. It pains me to great degrees that she gets solo lines in singles while Chisato, who has such an amazing voice, gets zero, zip, zilch, nil, nada, etc.

Next up, Morning Musume!

Again, no real changes from my original MM ranking, except that the ties are no longer ties. I still adore both Ai-chan and Risa (and watching Ribon no Kishi just increased my love for them both). Eri beat out Reina due to the fact that I like Eri's voice more than Reina's and Eri was just so win in the MouTube vids she did with Risa. ^_^ Junjun is my top 8th gen member because I like her voice best, and Linlin is my bottom 8th gen member because I like her voice least, which leaves Aika in the middle. And the bottom two... Well, I established my reasons for not favouring them in my original post.

And finally, Berryz Koubou!

Now here we have some crazy changes going on in compared to my original Berryz ranking.
1. No change in the number 1 spot, with Miya still taking home the gold!! :) I think my layout speaks for itself in that regard.
2. Risako has been bumped out of spot #2, which will be explained when I get to her. Yurina has moved up one spot due to Risako's drop. Yurina edged out Chinami mainly due to her being featured more.
3. Chinami has also moved up one spot due to the drop.
4. Risako's moving down on my list, but I'm having a hard time placing her below Momoko, so she sits here in spot #4. Basically, I starting to fall a little bit into the "Risako is overrated" club. I still like her in general, but as I watch more recent lives and whatnot, she isn't as amusing or interesting as she initially was for me.
5. Ahh!! Momoko's moving up the ladder! I'm telling you, it's all Buono!'s fault! However, she still bothers me as a member of Berryz, I don't know what it is. Maybe the punk-rock style of Buono! just suits her better, and the songs Buono! sings allow her to use a more mature voice, compared to Berryz singles which call upon her high-pictched squeak. That high-pitched squeak is unfortunately stopping her from climbing my Berryz Koubou ladder.
6. Maasa beat out Captain for 6th spot. Exact reasoning, I'm not sure... Possibly due to the previously mentioned funny character she played in their stage play "Geki Haro "Edo kara Chakushin!? ~Timeslip to Kengai!~".
7. I'm sorry Captain, but someone has to go to the bottom of the list. But that doesn't take away from her awesome dancing abilities. :)

I had some family visiting from California over the weekend, so I didn't have much time with my computer. Thus the lack of my top 14 MM singles. Hopefully that will be up within the next few days. Until then! ^_^


Anonymous said...


It's interesting reading your rankings! I rank the momusu similarly (for me it's top 3-- same as yours, except with gaki and kamei swapping-- and 'the rest') but definitely not the H!P Kids. oh and rika's great, but charmy is a phenomenon.

Nakasaki is probably my no.1 member of c-ute, I'm not too fond of Airi and, after dschinghis, Miyabi is hovering near the bottom of berryz (Miyabi = peas? ;) ). but i must say that berryz is easily my favourite group, insofar as momusu is only current-lineup-momusu, and the only group all of whose members I like. it seems to me that Momoko has no limits and I love the 'twin towers'.

maiZe said...

Glad you enjoyed my rankings. :) Well, at least we have similar ideas regarding Momusu. I agree that Charmy is a phenomenon. But what I forgot to mention: another thing that got me loving Rika was her hilarious fear of chickens! I think that is what endeared her to me forever. XD

I used to like Nakasaki more (as shown in my previous rankings) but then I heard her sing live... That kinda killed it for me. And as for Miyabi, it seems like this plunge has been recent, so I guess that means she wasn't always so low (and if I interpreted correctly, you like all the members in Berryz, so I mean, someone has to be at the bottom, right? It's basically the same for me... There's no Berryz member I dislike... I just like some more than others). Momo's definitely rising for me, but it's unfair to say that it's in Berryz, because really it's in Buono! where she's catching my attention... But with only 3 members, and my complete love for Miya and Airi, there isn't much room for Momoko to go up.

And Miyabi = peas works for me. :) The only other veggies on my list that might beat that are corn and potatoes. :) Maybe I should start relating my fave H!P members to my fave vegetables. >_<

Anonymous said...

it seems we are blessed with a sixth vegetable sense (of sorts). By accident or design (guuuzen, keiiisan), in the latest berryz interview, the berryz proclaim their hatred of peas, or at least miyabi, momoko and yurina do. no joke!

i actually haven't heard nakasaki live, which may explain a lot. I'm not very keen on c-ute, tbh, haven't got any of their stuff. miya circa munasuka was in my top two of berryz but then I started liking the others more... and i found her a bit too.. i don't know.. constant? but i do like all the berryz, even neo-risako, whom i didn't like before. (old-school risako was adorable)

and takahashi <3