Friday, November 09, 2007

Berryz Koubou's new PV: 'Tsukiatte Iru no ni Kataomoi'

The new Berryz Koubou PV has just been posted on Hello!Online and I watched it once (yes, I know I'm at work)... So here are my inital thoughts:

1. Risako looks strangely tall in this PV, particularly in the dark scenes where she's alone. Has she grown taller (which is a possibility, seeing as she's only 13) or are they camera tricks? Also, not the biggest fan of her hairstyle in this one.

2. I like the set. I find it visually pleasing and very serene looking. Unforunately, it seems out of place with the feel of the song which is very upbeat.

3. The scenes of the girls sitting/lying down reminded me much of the Morning Musume Shabondama PV. I'll have to rewatch it later and see if I still feel that way...

4. I need to watch it again and pay more attention to the outfits to see how much I really like them, but in general the girls all look very pretty in this PV (even though not liking Risako's hair so much, as mentioned above)... Except I was getting this weird creepy vibe from Momoko for some reason. Again, must re-watch to see if I was just imagining things.

5. I enjoyed the song, but something was up with the sound quality, so I need to hear it on my speakers at home and see if it was just something with the set up of my computer at work (which I never use to listen to anything).

That's all I can recall at the moment. Will update this post later tonight once I've re-watched it at home.

And I just realized why those outfits looked so familiar to me... A picture of them in those outfits has been on theppn for a little while now on their profile page. It thought I was going crazy for a minute... >_<

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